Thursday, December 9, 2010

Heavy eyes @__@

Have you ever experienced heavy eyes @__@? Have you ever experienced sleep-deprivation? No matter how long you spent your long night in the bed, you'd be waking up with heavy eyes.

I once Googled for "heavy eyes" and this is the result! Ta-da!

I have a problem of always being tired. Not physically tired, but 'heavy eyes tired.' It doesn't matter how little or how much sleep I get, although the amount of sleep does affect how tired I am (but I'm still always tired). Last night I got about seven hours of sleep. This morning I hit the snooze and struggled to wake up like every morning. I took a shower, got dressed, and felt like I haven't slept for days. My eyes were watering, I could barely keep them open because they were so heavy, and I had to turn the lights down. During the weekends it's not nearly as bad as that, but I still have trouble waking up and always have heavy eyes.

It started about six years ago during my third year of college when I had transferred schools (come to think of it even in highschool I'd sometimes feel tired after getting a good night's sleep, but it wasn't serious enough to follow up on it). My roommate snored extremely loud and I could not get enough sleep any night. Then I went home for the summer and realized that even though that disctraction was gone and got I what I thought would be enough sleep I still felt tired. Then on the weekends I'd wake up and feel the same way.

I'm wondering if the problem is stress. I feel much better during the weekends. I can get the same amount of sleep during the weekends as during the week and be able to wake up much easier, although I'm still always tired. Because of this I usually sleep much longer on the weekends, though.
Also, I should add that every night around 5am I wake up extremely hungry and have to get a bowl of cereal. Usually in the morning I wake up extremely hungry as well. My stomach feels like I haven't eaten for days and I'm dizzy. Actually, this happens during the day, too.
I don't know if it's stress that's causing my sleeping problems. Or whether it's another health problem which is also causing my hunger problem. Or if the hunger problem is causing the sleeping problem or the sleeping problem is causing the hunger problem, etc...
I've been to several doctors for checkups over the past couple years and told all of them of my chronic hunger and tiredness. They ran blood tests, etc and all said I was perfectly healthy. I don't know what to do. I've always been a pretty active person. I've been involved in the martial arts for a while. I haven't practiced in about a year because I moved, but I've been running (at least somewhat consistently) and trying to eat healthier so I'll feel better, but I still feel like krap. Lately I've been depressed although I'm usually a happy go lucky person.

Is there any medication that treats heavy eyes??? I don't think so dear! It is not an illness. It is not a serious ailment but this may ruin your day-to-day focus so your productivity. I used to face this problem when I discovered myself suffering from Hyperthyroid. I am now on medication (after how many years of treatment) and yeah! I'm on drugs. I realized that no matter how long I get my good night sleep, I still don't get enough sleep. I normally overslept and it is difficult for me to get up from my bed every morning.

I want to put it to an end. I've done my research and what I have read; it is all caused by stress. Do I live in a stressful life? Do we live in such a stressful life? What say you?

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