Monday, May 7, 2012

A Happy News, It Is

I couldn't believe myself that I blogged my last entry on October 21, 2011. What has gone wrong with me? We're now in the month of May. Wait-a-minute! Let's do some Math, will ya? It's been 6 months for God's sake.


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Been living with hyperthyroidism for a number of years has made me sounds more or like a doctor when explaining the possible signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism such as sweaty palm, shakiness, insomnia, irregular menstrual cycle etc. and they have been parts of me since the day I discovered my illness. Thus, when I experienced fatigue every time I got home from work, I would relate it to those signs and symptoms. I simply dozed off while lying around watching TV and it's even weirder when I had a very strange appetite, I could eat a horse when I was damn hungry.

I decided to make some tests, then and tadaaa!

The lines were not that visible when I first did the tests. 
This was done a week later, after my first attempt.


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When we got married, my hubby and I decided not to "rush" into making babies. We had our goal set, NOT to have any baby till we achieved a career we'd ever dreamed for. Entering parenthood is a NO joke. We know that once we obliged to having another new life, we ought to make a big change too. There're lots to learn. No more lazy Sunday, no more chillin' out till late night, no more waking-up late in the morning blah blah blah. It's indeed a big sacrifice and  we were not ready back then.

...and the most unexpected thing happened. I couldn't believe when I came to know about my pregnancy, and it happened right after we celebrated our first anniversary. In fact, my husband couldn't believe his eyes seeing the two lines.

Alhamdulilah, I have successfully "endured" my first trimester and I am feeling better now. I lost a few kgs due to terrible morning sickness. I threw up every time I brushed my teeth  and my nose became super sensitive to flowery scents. We even got to switch to Dettol as I couldn't bear the sweet scents of my shower cream. I developed an urge of a sweet tooth after having heavy meals and I couldn't help myself to finish a glass of milk before bedtime. Thank God, the doc said it's yet too early to start drinking milk, but it brings more goodness if my body allows the white liquid to go down my throat.

My mother is the happiest person to know about my pregnancy, she'll try her best to fulfill whatever I craved for. My dad seems happy too, so do my lil' sis and brother. My hubby would definitely be the happiest person and has been so understanding in keeping up with the changes I'm going through.

Now I know why do some women get way too excited when she's pregnant. The feeling is indescribable. It feels so miracle. 


My very first ultrasound scan.
Hey there my little one!

My second ultrasound.
Listening to my baby's heartbeats, it's priceless.

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