Friday, October 21, 2011

Counting, counting and still counting...

I can neither remember nor recall what I wrote on in my last entry of my blog. Oh my, it's been awhile... Well, I find that it's very hard for my mind to work on something promising rather than just doing the daily given tasks - which has also resulted in the difficulties of speaking my thoughts.

Surprisingly, this year is nearing its end. We have a few days to go before wishing everyone "Happy New Year". Mind you, I'm not gonna dwell you on my new year's resolutions, I'd never believe in that. This post is only to highlight on a few important events/incidents that happened this year throughout:

Married to the man I love Muhammad Fariz Tajuddin.

I've lost one of the VVIPs of my life; my grandpa. Al-fatihah.

My uncle who was bedridden for months long. He has now fully recovered.

Met with an accident on our way to work.

We've moved-in to a new home! That means, living on our own.

...but it doesn't stop just yet! 











Why am I counting?

There are a few more coming...these are to be highlighted too! 

December 17

Someone's birthday is coming right up. Surprise! My hubby will be celebrating his twenty-sixth birthday this Saturday and I'm looking forward to having a sort of celebration *grin* Na'ah, a date sounds better.

December 23

It'll be my last day working at IBM Malaysia. I'm leaving to pursue a better future and even a promising career.

December 27

I have to be sure that there'll be no more second thought. Please tell me that this is what I'm good at. Puh-lease!

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