Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Happy Seventh-Monthsary

This is to update my existing entry that is waiting to be published. Sorry I didn't have much time to think on what I would write on as I was so caught up with my career, family, and life. I do admit that we need to have GENUINE ideas on what to write unless we will bore off our readers reading on a piece of SHIT Before I start to narrate bout our happily-married-love-life, I'd like to take this single opportunity to wish my beloved hubby:

Happy Seventh-Monthsary

We've been happily married for seven months and still counting to our first anniversary which will be in another few months to come. Please know that I am still in the learning process towards becoming the most parfait wife in your eyes. You've been such a loving husband to me.

OK, let's move on to what-to-be-unfold. This is somewhat hilarious, I don't know how you readers might find this. I deserved to be laughed by YOU! Trust me, you'll say "Eh bodoh nya minah ni". OK, here it goes...

I used to day-dream of a smartphone, I'd made myself promised that one day, I'll be using a smartphone no matter how. I had been using E63, which I know, is considered as a smartphone too. (You'll read 'smartphone'  throughout this entire writing, trust me!) So when I was about to get my bonus, I told my husband that I'm gonna get myself a new phone. After he did some research and readings, he agreed that I should get a Samsung. I didn't get myself an Iphone, mind you, it's way off my budget. It costs me a fortune of my salary + bonus though I'd been dreading for it. It's just my luck when Celcom was having a promotion on Samsung smartphones. 

Here goes the story...

I chose to get the Samsung Galaxy SL that operates on Android. It is indeed a real fun. I'm so happy I finally made a right choice. My phone and I is inseparable. Well, thanks to my hubby, he's been a great teacher as I wasn't an IT savvy. The thing that I love most is the wide screen. It took me some times to get used to the touchscreen. Even now, people can still spot some typos! My fingers are so fat, I guess! *rofl*

Bear in mind, this is not to provide you with any reviews of my phone. It has been some times since I last installed a new live wallpaper. I stumbled across this cute live wallpaper when I was browsing the Android Market - FooCat Notes Live. I fell in love with it right away plus with the idea of having a cat loitering around your screen. It comes in handy when you have to note something. The cat will write out what you want it to remember, instantly. You can even talk to the cat. The cat is very sensitive to commands.

It comes with simple instructions on how to run this wallpaper.
What does excite me to the max is, when you can customize it to your wants.
You can even choose your own cat.
Look what it's doing!

This idea came to me in a blink when I saw my husband sleeping soundly after a very tiring day. He was snoring so loud (sorry Sayang, gotta tell the world) Thus, I asked my cat to write something on my screen, hoping that he'll wake up in the middle of the night and read it. Yeah, I was trying so hard to be sweet, I couldn't help myself from giggling when I came to remember bout this.

Eventually, he did wake up in the middle of the night to answer the nature's call. He read the note that my cat scribbled on the screen... and he wrote back in reply! He managed to put a smile on my face the very next morning I woke up. He'd been a hopeless romantic.

Thus, when I got to my office, I started thinking of how to 'screen-capture'. Too bad I forgot to bring the manuals. I Googled it, instead. Can't believe that 'screen-capture' would be that easy-peasy, you wouldn't believe how stupid I felt for not knowing it! Grrr...I feel like eating myself *gnom gnom gnom*

Whatcha need to do to: 

Hold the 'Back' button and press the 'Home' button simultaneously till you hear a shutter sound.

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