Thursday, April 28, 2011

A Story of an Intense Reader

Rise and shine, people! *yawning*

As usual, the first thing I used to do once I walked into my office - FACEBOOKING! It's so unhealthy man. While I was browsing, I came across an entry that really catches my eyes. One of my friends has just started blogging! Interesting!

IDK whether to call myself an intense reader. I would say, I don't even have passion to read. Reading isn't my indulgence but somehow, I forced myself to read more and more English-written books and novels. Yet, it was really hard to get myself into reading from cover to cover. Most of the time, it was just a half-way-time wasting-boring activity. It's even worse when I have to combat with my eyes - I'll get sleepy lingering in the silence.

I once told one of my colleagues on how I hate reading book that requires me to imagine. I totally hate imagining something which is written in front of me. Surprisingly, she confirmed that her friend who was born in August has the similar problem! Yeah, it's surely a major problem! You never know how I felt looking at my classmates carrying Harry Potters'. I envied them! I really envied how they enjoy reading Harry Potters'. I tried to read once, borrowed from my friend who collects 'em. That's all I could remember! Nothing much on what I read. I tried very hardly to imagine what I was reading but na'ah...Nothing! Blank! It was like having sex. When you're about to climbed to the top, there'll always be something that bring you down and puff! the feeling disappeared.

There was a time when my hubby brought me to watch 'Inkheart'. I really enjoyed the movie, I wanted to read the book so badly until one day, my hubby bought me to a bookstore to buy the so-called 'Inkheart'. I tried to read somehow, but I couldn't get to the forth err...chapter? No, I didn't even get to read till page 4!

I have opted out to reading blogs lately. This is because, there are thousands of interesting blogs you can find online. It's so easy, it's just at your fingertips. I would say, reading the blogs of interesting people really fascinates me to write a blog. I have quite a number of blogs that I chose as the best so far. That's how I know the term 'blog-walking'. It's something similar to window shopping when you 'walk-into' different shops in a stretch. I love blog-walking because it leads me to discover more and more numbers of "must read" blogs. 

Well, a blogger is free to write on anything. It depends on the blogger writing skills to trigger reader's interest to read or follow the blog. It's on how you write or how you discuss on certain issues. Trust me! It's easy to win your reader's heart. Just write on related issues; like what I used to do, as the-most-loyal-and-my-only reader is my hubby; I wrote plenty of entries about him. LOL. Thanks dear for being my BIG FAN. 

* * *

I came to know that a teacher was reported missing after he went for a jog at Bukit Larut. Surprisingly, the deceased, Abdullah Zubair was from the same school as mine - SMK Jitra. He was found dead after he slipped and fell into a ravine.

My greatest condolence to the family. 

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