Thursday, April 28, 2011

Scrumptious Prawn Mee: Lil' Penang Cafe

I'm totally craving for KFC rite  now but I wish not to have it now, as in NOW. It's raining so "heavenly" and I'm cold. Grrr...I was organizing my folders, rearranging all the icons in my TP and I found these pictures. Tehee. What I still have in my mind is these pictures were taken a few weeks/days after we got married. Oh, how I couldn't resist my temptation when I looked at those pictures. We dined-in at Little Penang Cafe and I had the scrumptious Prawn Mee. My mouth is watering!!! Try to imagine how good does it taste in this wet and cold weather having to slurp the curry...errr...curry? I guess it's curry-like. Gravy doesn't really suit the 'kuah'.

Yum! Yum! Slurp!

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