Friday, May 6, 2011


I am so pissed off. Xtau kenapa tapi harini my mood macam a roller-coster ride. Kejap OK, kejap x OK. It got to my nerves when I have to speak with non-receptive callers (whom I hate most!) Kenapa? There are many dumb people out there who don't really know how to talk in a proper and decent way, I would say, they can't even talk like a normal human being. Secondly, I hate when I have to 'give-way' to these kind of dumb people to speak while I am talking. Potong giler! Tolonglah orang-orang cenggini, belajarlah mendengar dengan lebih teliti! In this kind of cases, I always has this feeling - A tendency for me to end the call impatiently. Besides, when the caller intervened the whole conversation, they won't listen to what we have just said. Pastu nak suruh ULANG SUARA! Part tu yang paling malas sekali. It's so nerve-wrecking! BENCI!

Kadangkala, hati tertanya, "Pelan (read: slow) sangat ka suara aku?" atau "Suara aku ni lembut sangat ka sampai orang payah nak dengaq?" I guess NOT! Sebab my hubby suka cakap suara I neh macam loudspeaker. Dia selalu marah, suh I cakap slow2 sket. Kekadang tu dia salahkan darah keturunan Kedah. Dia pernah cakap, orang Kedah neh xreti kontrol suara. "Volume nak full-blast je" Tapi kadang2 tu memang betol jugak lah. I have to agree. Kadang2 tu bukan nak evedrop ke hape, tapi kalau kat kedai makan ke for example, I selalu overhead orang yang bercakap dengan kuat. Skali dengar betol2, keluaq semua loghat Kedah. Have you ever experienced this? Ia patut dipuji kot. Sebab tu ler, orang Kedah pandai berpolitik. Ye ke?

Malas nak membebel panjang. I selalu Google pasal2 neh sebab I love to share with everyone who reads my blog. It's to educate the reader indirectly. It's so pointless kalau dok cerita pasai "What I did last weekend". I know that people don't even wanna know pon apa yang ko buat last weekend, atau last last weekend atau sampai bila2 pon. Lagi satu, when I raised sesuatu issue, I'm really hoping it benefits the readers. Sebab kadang2, dalam sedar pon kita ada melakukan perkara seperti diatas. Am I right? So, you are most welcomed to click at the links below which has been adopted from WikiHow.

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