Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Monday Blues

Have you ever suffered from Monday Blues? I hate when people used to spell it wrongly. IT IS M-O-N-D-A-Y B-L-U-E-S people! and NOT Mondays Blue / Monday's Blues / Monday Blue or bla bla bla. English is fun huh?

Don't fall on your back or don't stick your tongue out! I'm not gonna dwell you on how to spell Monday Blues. I'm gonna tell you how I feel when it comes to Monday, instead, tho I know today is already Tuesday! (Is that a crime?) Have you ever experienced grogginess when it is Monday? Are you having problem dragging your feet out of bed every Monday? Yeah I know people hate their Mondays! Hey, I'm having that too! I HATE MONDAYS TOO. 

Why you can't treat Monday as the beginning of the week? Why you can't enjoy your Monday, making more money, being more energetic than Friday and responding to tons of e-mail in your inbox? That's the Monday Blues syndrome. It's pretty hard to get started on Monday. You will drag along your Lazy Sunday mood into Monday. Poor Monday!  

I tried to get enough sleep and had a good rest on Monday night. It's a sort of experimenting with your own body. The result: NAN HADO! You never know how bad it is; to battle with your own self. It's pretty hard to force yourself to sleep so much earlier than you used to, considering how stubborn you are!

I always have this in me (which I hate most). I will be so damn LAZY on Sunday, nothing interests me, nothing bothers me! I can't even force myself to iron my shirts (to wear on Monday) so my hubby's. Poor hubby, he got the LAZIEST wife ever nothing could compare with Mr. Garfield. In fact, it also affects your whole body, you'll be even lazier to get out from your own place. 

The result is:
  • You will put your alarm to 'SNOOZE', even worse, 'STOP'.
  • You will only have a 3-minute bath as you're gonna be late to work.
  • Your wardrobe will be messed up in order to find a wrinkle-free-cotton shirt or a pair of baju kurung with a mismatch tudung.
  • You will miss your breakfast (that's even worse)
  • You won't have the time to warm up your car's engine.
  • You will be stuck in the bad traffic congestion as other people are late too.
  • You forgot to put your make-up on. 
...and you'll end up looking like a dead guy marching around the office. Too bad!

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