Friday, February 4, 2011

Pasar Kemboja@Kubu Gajah

Selepas beberapa kali mama menceritakan perihal Pasar Kemboja, hati mula tertarik untuk mengunjungi tempat tersebut. It really sounds great. I had no idea whether mama has over exaggerated thus the place sounds interesting to me until this morning....

It's the very first time I visited that so-called Pasar Kemboja. Poor me it only opens on Monday and Friday. Sebelum neh memang xde masa coz I'm working on both days. Harini, though mata cam berat je nak buka, when I heard mama said "Mama nak gi Pasar Kemboja as I need to get something for tok....", I jumped out from my bed and terus buka pintu. I replied, "Apa? Mama nak gi Pasar Kemboja" and she asked, "Awak nak ikut ke?" then I said, "Oh yeah! Sure! Count me in" but I actually said, "Ha'ah...nak ikut" dengan mata yang bersinar2. 

Have I mentioned this earlier? I'm wearing hijjab to my office. Hell yeah! I do admit it's a good start and I know my MILTB loves to see me with the hijjab on. Jadi, from time to time, I kena banyakkan the collection so I won't look like I'm wearing this one hijjab repetitiously. Jadi bila dengar mama cakap, this Pasar Kemboja banyak jual tudung yang murah2, I terus pasang niat nak kesana one day.

Hasilnya, I got two tudungs at a very low price. I once looked for one of 'em over the internet and it's so pricey it costs you RM48 for the same thing. I was so proud I got it at RM9. I got a long skirt for me to wear with a plain sleeveless tops for RM23. Yeah I could see you're gaping! The price is so cool!

So here is the map that takes you to this one fine place.... Try to go on Monday as my mum said, lagi banyak penjual yang berniaga disitu.

Here is the news spread about Pasar Kemboja. 

And here're the pictures.

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