Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Oh Hello, I'm on the phone here!

Lemme tell ya how do I feel right now. Yeah! Right now, this moment *stamp my feet on the floor showing how emotional I am* This happened a moment ago and it has been on-going for a few minutes. Argh! For God sake, this is bullshit!

OK, lemme explain where I am seated in my office. Yeah, what I mean is where is my fucking shit workstation. I am seated in a room where my teammates are seated too. We are sharing this room with another team which deals with the customer's satisfaction which I-don't-even-bother of their part they play in this company.

I don't even care if you might say their job is rather important than what I am doing. Yes, lemme tell you what are we doing, I mean my team and I. We are the operators for the mainline. Sounds silly? Yes, I had no idea of what I'll be doing when I first got an offer from the staffing agency. I took it (without further a due because I didn't hold any post at that time and it worries me like hell) since I was desperately in need of money to survive.

I have this girl sitting in the same room as mine. She speaks too loud. Fucking loud and it is damn irritating. She talks as if she is the only person who deals with the callers every single day. Hello, I need to deal with the callers too. So shut your fucking mouth as I am doing my job here! Most of the callers had complained about our noisy background and we (my teammates and I) have had enough of that. This 'another team' doesn't even know how to show their respect when we are talking to the callers. They could just talk and talk among them, ignoring what we are doing.

Nonetheless, there is another boy who is sitting in front of me, again, also from that 'other team'. His hobby is he loves to blow his nose. Yaiks! It's so disgusting. Thank God he is working from home for most of the day. I guess he is suffering from terrible sinus but whatever it is, you can go fuck yourself, Mickey! We hate the part when you're telling proudly about your oversea trips though it is not that important for us to know and we are not that 'jakun' to hear your fucking stories. He has just got back from OZ and almost every day I heard the same old stories he told others.

I am so pissed off with them. Not everyone of them in the team but the two fucking shit who shouldn't be here in this room. I hate when I need to hear The Fat Ass giggles all the way. She really annoys me. I guess she annoys not even me personally, but my team and her fucking team.

P/S: Can you please count the number of 'fucking' which has been used in this fucking essay?

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