Friday, December 24, 2010

Help! Help me please!!!

I need some booster to help me boosting (couldn't think of other word except 'boost') my interest in writing my blog. I am not quite sure whether it is the cause of laziness or I am running out of idea. *Both hands up* I think laziness troubles me. I'm questioning myself, why I've been this lazy to scribble a few sentences in my blog (just a few sentences, OK!). Does my feeling make me less interested to blogging? Enough said darla! Let's start over with other chapter of your life. 

I'm not feeling well today. I woke up with terrible sore throat and flu. Oh my goodness! I needed to be in the office at 8a.m. this morning as my two colleagues have gone off for their Christmas holiday. It was so hard to clean myself as I felt so cold but I braved the cold water because I was running late. Thank God I managed to be at my place (office) at 8a.m. sharp. 

I have the feeling that my flu is getting worse. I sneezed for I-don't-know-how-many-time and I need to go back to my mum's place right after work to fetch my new car (as I'll be moving out tomorrow morning). Thanks to my beloved daddy as he's willing to fetch me later on. Ouh, before I forgot, I've taken the medication. Nana gave me her pill since she felt guilty for 'handing-over' the evil virus. What a best friend for right? **LOL** 


P/S: Not to forget, a zillion thanks goes to Mr. Boyfie for taking care of me. Thanks for the early breakfast and for the teh ais *iced drinks??* and thanks for sending me to my office this morning. ILU!

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