Friday, August 13, 2010

This is the Holy Fasting Month

Today has been the third day of fasting. I managed to fast yesterday but not today. Fasting month brings goodness to your body as you put all of the mechanisms in your body in relax mode. Last year I didn't manage to fast even for a day. I tried my best but I just failed. Pity me! I feel like I am a 7-year-old little girl who was learning to fast, and it was really tiring and torturing.

I couldn't really remember when I started fasting but I was so eager to be like those adults. I think I was in the primary school when I started fasting. My mom will only permit me to fast for half day. My dad once promised to give me RM1 for the every day I fasted. My grandma once told me that I can only drink plain water during the fasting month (and I believed in that)

Everything is done because I was so eager to fast. In fact I was still a small kid. I started fasting after managed to fast for half day. I didn't know that my parents and grandparents were really worried if I fainted when I was at school.

I don't know where does the feeling of eager disappear. Maybe we were demoralized because we know that we won't get any reinforcement after fasted for a month. I really miss the feeling when I was a kid. The feeling of excitement when our dad bought us 'bunga api', the feeling of excitement when we ought to count our 'duit raya' and the feeling of excitement when we were helping our mother or granny baking 'kuih raya'.

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