Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Eating kills!

I spent my Sunday mostly with my darling and my dear family. It was fun enjoying dinner with the one you love and catching up what you missed.

My mom's place is located in Sg. Buloh. Yes, it is where you can find grilled chicken just by the roadside. Yukkks! But then, there is an area (just nearby Econsave) where you can find various types of food, from nasi kerabu to apam balik or air asam boi. I loved to stop by (the food is so irresistible)

... On that lazy Sunday, I stopped by just to get something for my mom. I bought some putu piring since it is one of my favourites. My mom did advise not to take it too much as it makes you suffer from stomach ache (due to angin and bla..bla..bla..) After eating my mom's nasi daging (slurps) I took a short nap since everyone was watching Babylon A.D. I was awaken right after my body started sweating.

On our way back to my place, I started to feel nausea (or bahasa kampung nye : kembang tekak) yet I was able to smoke a cigarette. My body won't accept anything which is harmful if I'm not feeling well. For instance, when I am suffering from flu, my body tells me not to smoke.

Once we arrived, my bf and I decided to watch CSI on AXN. I felt discomfort while we were watching TV and I vomited once that night. I woke up at 4am in the morning since I couldn't stand the feeling of nausea though I was asleep. I was sick and again I vomited.

The next morning, I woke up and felt much better. After my court session, I took McD chicken porridge during lunch and again I vomited the whole of it. I know that my empty stomach did contribute to angin and led to the feeling of nausea, I didn't have the guts to eat or consume anything. My bf took me to the doctor that night and the doctor advised to eat white bread and drink plenty of 100 plus.

My stomach is still aching and I can't eat too much nor too less. I ate everything I feel like eating. Yet, I am super careful in selecting the food that'll go down my throat. I feel bad whenever I vomited and I really don't want to experience it again. I was poisoned once I was still a kid. I vomited seriously and my dad was the one who took me to the hospital early in the morning. That was rather serious than what I suffered recently but it still made you feel bad.

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