Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Cat fight. Meow! Grrrr.....

Have you gone through any fight with any of your siblings? I guess most of us have gone through this intense situation. Well, I am the eldest and I have a 19-year-old sister who previously stayed with me. As the eldest one in the family, I can say I am a responsible sister and I am the type of easy-to-tolerate with anyone in my family. My sister is a bit reserved, shy and she is the type of I-don't-give-a-damn. She is, indeed, kind of rebellious type of girl.

It's a lie if I never had any fights with her? We do fight over toys and we do also fight over junk food my parents bought we were too young to tolerate with each other. We also fight to get our parents' attention and for me, it's normal if I were the one who ought to tolerate. And yes, because I am 'the big sister' and my dad used to say that he loves me more than my sister (surely, I'll buy whatever my dad said when I was a kid)

Though we have a 6-year gap, I treat my sister as my friend. We don't have any problem getting along. I am a sister cum her part-time counselor cum her best friend cum her teacher bla..bla..bla..

... However, on this one fine day, we had a very messy argument. We didn't talk to each other since then. I was so mad. She was mad too...and she didn't want to admit that she was wrong. It was the longest I didn't talk to her.

It was a total surprise when she text me yesterday and telling me that she was sorry, after a few fine weeks.

From: Eimy
Date: 6/29/2010

Everything is falling apart now for me. Before things get worse I want to say I'm sorry for being rude to you and not much of help but more like a burden. I never thought or wish we could end up like this. If you are not ready to forgive me yet, it's okay. I won't force you.

Yeah! It was such a surprise,isn't it? Well, I have forgiven her even before she gave me the message. It might get worse if you had a fight between you and any of your siblings and it's better to get over it rather than live with it in years to come. Though we have gone through a tough time, it is a lesson to be learned.

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