Thursday, July 1, 2010

My Life Experience: Bus Ride

Today is the second time I took a bus just to get to work. Call me spoil brat! Yeah! I am so spoiled.

I never took any bus before. I once took RapidKL from KLSentral to PBD (sebab nk tunjuk konon-konon I could stand on my own feet) Lastly, that bus didn't stop at PBD. It stopped kat luar PBD, I mean at the main road (I really thought the bus will stop in front of my office) If I took the 800am bus, the bus will definitely stop in front of my office, but the later bus will only pass the main road and those who are going to PBD need to walk from the main road. The funny thing is, I stopped at Sri Hartamas when I finally realized that the bus was on it way back to KLSentral. I hailed a cab to take me to PBD just then and I was late. My boyfriend laughed at me when I told him what really happened. I shouldn't have told him. That was my fucked-up experience and I swore I never take the bus again.

I started working on last Monday and since Monday, my boyfriend used to send and fetch me. That when he worked on night shift (he gets back, picks me up, brings me for breakfast and sends me to work) but this month he'll be working on day shift. That means, he works from 7am to 7pm Wednesday to Saturday. That is why I took the bus this morning because he left home at 630am.

I took the bus for the first time last week (I couldn't remember the day) because we had some silly argument and he didn't want to send me to work (sounds so stupid isn't it?) I was thinking of taking a cab but I board Metrobus because there wasn't any at the bus stand. I don't like it (I mean, the Metrobus) because it is always fulled with multiracial passengers from different background and country (you know what I mean?) Therefore it is kinda stuffy, with the terrible smell of BO. The thing that I hate most is I need to stand throughout the journey. Euwww...

Well, RapidKL is way more better. I got a sit and I could sit just by myself. My boyfriend was thinking that I will take a cab. Hell no, if the bus awaits me, I'll take the bus because it'll be cheaper. I was thinking of waking up at 630am but I finally woke up at 730am. I took my own sweet time having my breakfast, taking bath and ironing my baju kurung and tudung. I left home at (almost) 845am. I know I am going to be late but not that late.

My friends used to say, "Kene belajar bersusah-susah" and taking the bus to work is not that 'susah and leceh' to me because I am not that spoiled.


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