Tuesday, June 29, 2010

My Hot-from-the-Oven Blog

This is just a try, a small try, it is indirectly meant to improve my writing skill. This blog is meant for writing craps (oops!) So don't waste your precious time reading it. Shoo! Shoo! It's nothing for you to benefit from it.

One of the reason why I don't want you, you and you to read my blog. I don't want you to spot my error in writing (especially when I'm writing in English). Secondly, I don't want you to compare my damn boring blog with anyone's you have just read before.

If you don't own those traits which I mentioned earlier - English-grammar-teacher who loves to spot or note down my mistakes or HNSZLKH's-die-hard-fan who loves to compare my writing style with hers *perasan*; you are then permitted to read this ntah-hape2 blog (I know I'm talking nonsense now! Can't help it!) *nervous*

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