Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Argh! I couldn't really decide.

Help me please! I couldn't make any decision right now and I finally realized that I still couldn't stand on my own feet. o.O Please grow up, Nina!

I have this one kind of feeling that I need to change. Yes, seriously I need to change because it troubles not only me but people around me. The problem is, I can't even make or decide on any simple decision. For example, I was looking for a long skirt that day and I tried it on quite a few times. Yet, when I decided to purchase it, I had this feeling all over me that it doesn't suit me well and buying it is such a big mistake. I am really tired of having it in me. I really need to build up my confidence and it will surely take some time.

I have no idea why I am having that stupid feeling. It occurred once when I was trying this skinny high-waisted pants. I loved it so much. It makes me looked skinnier and I was pretty sure it is a good bargain. It need to be worn with a belt. I was dreaming of it before and I have checked a few blogs which are selling that pants. I had decided to buy once I walked out of the fitting room but when I reached the counter, I said, "It's OK, I'll come back tomorrow." See! Get it? Stupid me!

It troubled me yesterday when I was hunting for my baju kurung for my engagement. My sis in-law-to-be suggested that I should get a caftan because I am tall, slim and slender. I tried a few and they looked nice on me and I decided to buy one of 'em but I couldn't make any decision on which is which. I do not understand why is it so hard to make one simple decision.

It worsens when I knew that I have made a mistake. I once decided on the colour of my new car without dragging it with so much of thoughts. I had this feeling of guilt in myself it drove me to Goggle the colour of my new car. I finally realized that the colour is far more different than what I had in mind and I was so happy with my selection. IDK whether it is just my luck as I didn't have any idea of the colour prior to the decision-making but I guess I used to think too much when I need to decide on something thus it leads to some difficulties. Guess so, guess again!

Anyho, I so need to decide on the colour of my baju kurung for the engagement. I know I don't have much time to decide so I have chosen one. I'll upload the picture once I got it hanging in my closet.

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