Thursday, November 4, 2010


How I wish to have
million and million dollars in my current account so I could shop for handbags and shoes and handbags then shoes and here the list goes.

Well, not everyone has been given a chance in this world to have everything that he/she wants. It is true! The closest example I could give is myself. I always wanting for those handbags and heels that we have in the market but soon I realized that fashion comes and goes.

I am currently following this fantastic-blog-for-you-to-spend-every-single-penny-of-yours and it makes me getting sicker and crazier. Why? Because this blog offers handbags and fashion items from every designers we have in this world. If you are a true Miss-Brand-Conscious, you might love it. (I've provided you the link so you can dive in the world of fashion that costs you a month of your salary I bet)

It is so sickening if people are dying for these designer items. I once yearn to collect collectible stuffs from Coach but I couldn't afford any as they are not that affordable. It would be enough to carry a Petaling Street's handbag if you don't really mind of the originality. This morning I met a girl and she's carrying a LongChamp. I have no idea whether it is an original item or it is just a replica. Do you mind if you have people asking whether it is an original item? If I were that girl, I would say "I don't give a damn!"

When I came into the office, the first thing I did is checking on the price. It can cost you a fortune if you wanna own a LongChamp. It is RM480 but I have no idea how much it costs if you purchase straight from the boutique. How do you feel when your friend is asking about the price? How do you feel if she says "I see a lot of LongChamps at Petaling Street and Uptown"? Would you mind? If I were you, I wouldn't mind at all. No one won't even bother what you're carrying on your shoulder.

It actually depends on the satisfaction. You will feel satisfied if you work really hard to own a designer item. It is like a gift after working your ass out. I really wanna have a LongChamp. Because I could see that it is really convenient and comes in handy if you have a lot of things to stuff into your handbag. It comes with so many colors and sizes and yeah! it would be fun to collect 'em but I will definitely get 'em from the Petaling Street.

Even Blair Waldorf carries a LongChamp.

Rachel Adam was spotted carrying a LongChamp too!

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