Thursday, July 15, 2010

Wanna be a Boss, be Bossy!

I hate when I was being told to this and that. I hate when there are people who are really bossy. I hate those who think they are experienced enough. I hate people who like to condemn whatever I do. I hate people who spend her day at work complaining about this and that.

Yes. There are that kind of people around you. They think that they are the best. They think that they are experienced enough to direct or give orders. I hate 'em. I know that I am complaining right now, at this moment but this is the only way to express what I've been feeling.

I have one colleague who has this fuck-up attitude and I hate her for that. I am hating every single thing about her. Her?? Yes..her! Why women tend to be bossy?? I should carry a research on that for my Master. Ha-ha. Yes..that does make sense right?? I do admit that I was bossy sometimes. Sometimes? Errrrr....I have no idea. You should ask people who are close to me then *wink*

One of the factors (I made up by myself. This is according to my logical thinking) that leads to behavior is, one may think that she comes with experience, for instance, that girl has been working in various call centre and yes, I do agree that she has experience in handling calls. People who have experience and are good in something will surely be proud of their achievement.

I once worked with a lady boss and she is neither commit in a serious relationship nor married. She can be one good example as she is very competent in doing her job. Yet, she was so bossy, most of the staff couldn't really tolerate with her wants.

The eldest one in any family could be bossy as well. The closest example is me. I don't know what makes me so bossy. No comment!Sorry.

So stop being bossy (am telling myself too) You may lose your closest friend. Other people will always hate you. Maybe this is just the beginning and I can still hold my breath. I could be bossy too, even bossier than you. Well, I think I am sick of typing the word "bossy" so that is all about it. Ta-ta.

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