Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Never Judge Formula Feeding Mommies

Mak mana laa yang tak nak susukan anak kan? Pernah tak jumpa mak-mak yang sesaje je nak bagi formula, takde usaha langsung nak breastfeed anak dia yang baru lahir?

I rasa I patut share pasal ni..sebab I ada baca komen-komen meriahhh breastfeeding mommies kat FB. Seriously, kadang-kadang I rasa komen-komen ni sangat menjengkelkan. Punya laa nak buktikan kebaikan susu ibu berbanding dengan formula. I believe everyone is well-aware pasal benda ni, tak perlu lagi nak bertekak condemning mothers who don't breastfeed. Selalunya I tak nak ambil pusing, jauh sekali rasa dengki bila tengok mak-mak yang susunya meriah sakan. Tak pernah pun terkesan bila tengok mak-mak ni dok bercerita, ada tu siap upload lagi berbondong-bondong susu dalam freezer. I tumpang seronok ada laa..kan rezeki orang lain-lain.

I was looking forward to exclusively breastfeed Anas sejak dia dari dalam perut lagi. Memang banyak baca articles both online and offline, first time laa katakan..mana laa tau sangat. Ingat lagi first time I breastfeed Anas, punya laa teruja masa tu, sampai meleleh air mata *syahdu sangat. Masa tu I fikir breastfeed ni easy peasy, semua mak-mak yang baru bersalin mesti ada susu - tak pernah putus macam air paip. Tapi masa kat hospital lagi, I rasa hairan kenapa susu I macam takde. I siap panggil nurse sebab nak tau betul ke cara I breastfeed Anas, ke susu I memang takde ha-ha. Hambek kau, rasa menyesal terus bila dia picit breasts I sesungguh hati punya nak tunjukkan yang I ni ada susu. Huarghhh..sakitnya bukan kepalang, hengko tahu! Masa tu susu keluar manja-manja je, ala-ala titis-titis tembun di hujung daun *lols I fikir macam duhhh banyak tu je ke susu haku?! *rofl

Balik rumah, I ikut nasihat nurse untuk teruskan bf. The first night, mak dengan baby tidur lena tak sedaq habaq. Masuk hari kedua, Anas dah mula nangis. I pun makin kerap bf sebab I fikir dia nangis sebab dia lapar. Haih anak lelaki ni memang tazzabarrr! I perasan bila dia latched, dia isap-isap then dia unlatched, pastu sambung nangis. Dah menggelabah masa tu, risau fikir apa kena dengan anak haku. Bila I picit breasts I, I tengok cam sedeyyy je susu I - sama macam bila nurse tu picit. Masa pantang, arwah atok yang jaga (rindunya kat tok *tsk tsk) Dia pun naik hairan kenapa cicit dia asek nangis. Terus I suruh husband keluar cari formula. Nasib ada kedai yang bukak lagi malam-malam tu.

Never underestimate mak-mak macam I ni hokeh! Walaupun dah mula bagi formula, I tetap usaha untuk banyakkan susu sambil-sambil tengah dalam pantang. Memang I tak putus asa. I paksa husband I belikan I pam *sorry Sayang habehkan duit you -  sebab I fikir stimulation guna pam boleh banyakkan lagi susu I. I pam secara regularly hokeh, tapi nak dapat 2 oz. pun berpeluh. Sampai luka-luka, pun susu tak banyak. Hari-hari makan sayur sawi, daun pegaga, minum air jamu, makan kurma, chocolate, oats, minum teh kurma merah, minum herbal tea untuk milk booster dan banyak lagi! Macam-macam usaha I buat, sampai dua tukang urut I upah untuk urut I masa awal-awal lepas bersalin dan sebelum habis pantang. 

Sebab tu haku sakit hati bila dengar orang main sedap mulut cakap,

"Eh..tak setuju laa kalo orang cakap dia takde susu",

"Mindset je tu..kena lagi tekad nak susukan anak..banyakkan doa bla bla bla",

"Itu sebab urut tak betul tu..tukang urut tu tak pandai tu..",

"Bagi je anak tu isap, lama-lama nanti ada laa tu".

Tolong ingat I jugak berusaha, buat semua ni macam bf mommies yang lain. Cuma rezeki Allah bagi kat kita lain-lain. I tetap bersyukur sebab anak I membesar macam anak orang lain yang minum susu ibu - ikut perkembangan seiring usia, takde laa ikut perkembangan lembu ke kambing ke sebab diberi susu lembu atau kambing *mind you

Tolong jangan cakap kitorang yang bagi formula ni tak sayang anak sebab korang bukan tahu pun berapa kitorang berhabis, sampai 'garu kepala' untuk dapatkan susu yang betul-betul sesuai untuk anak kitorang. Toksah kira susahnya nak cari susu kalo anak ada masalah-masalah lain, contohnya eczema. Kami pun melalui proses yang memeningkan kepala, sama macam korang yang risau bebenau bila susu badan mula kurang. 

I tau ada macam-macam awareness campaign to support breastfeeding mommies. I takde laa tak kisah sekalipun I don't breastfeed my son, I lagi support breastfeeding ada laa..I tak pernah cakap pun yang breastfeeding ni tak bagus - it's undeniably the best untuk anak-anak kita. Tapi tak payah laa nak persoal mak-mak yang terpaksa bagi susu formula. Tak perlu nak kaitkan dengan DNA babi bagai-bagai. Tak perlu nak tempek segala hadis pasal breasfeeding ni - I sendiri pun tahu pasal semua ni dari sebelum mengandung lagi. Please don't be so critical and judgemental, jangan nak pandang keji sangat kat mak-mak yang bagi formula sebab macam I cakap..rezeki Allah bagi tu kan lain-lain..

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Celebrating Mama's Birthday

Yesterday was my mom's 55th birthday.

A happy, happy birthday to you Mama! I couldn't thank you enough for everything you've done for me. May Allah bless my mom with good health, steady wealth and never-ending happiness. I love you always, and forever.

Unfortunately we didn't get to celebrate yesterday so we'll try to have it this weekend. Still thinking of the best place so we get to sit together, enjoying our meal. Yeah, a birthday always means having-out. Last year, we went to Marche for my mom's birthday.

There were times we just had it at the comfort of our home - like Ayah's birthday last August. My mom decided to cook nasi tomato on that special day. I brought a cake and of course, the candles! In the end, Anas was the happiest to see those lit-up candles *lol

I secretly love planning and organizing, although it's just a simple, close and intimate for our little family. Most of the time, my sis and I will decide on this. I love spending time going through Groupon or reading lengthy restaurant reviews online. I just love doing all of this! I'm in the midst of planning for Anas's birthday bash this November. To be honest, I have it all ready in a spreadsheet - from the list of invitees to the food and the gift packs. LOL

Please don't be surprise! That is one of the perks of being a homemaker, you'll have all the time in the world *flip tudung

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Two years and I'm back!

I'm back! I am back after two years. 
Reading this makes me laughed. 
There were so many things happened in these two years. 
I could still remember typing my last entry from my office desk *lol

I am now typing in the comfort of my bed. 
Anas is sound asleep next to me. 
He is all grown-up now, his next birthday is in November and he's gonna be three this year

I am so happy to get to see him growing right before my eyes. 
How fortunate?
He is the best Planner after all

I miss working though.

I miss almost everything, from teaching to marking to seeing my horrible handwriting on the board.
But don't get me wrong, I love my job now.
Being a stay-at-home-mom or a homemaker as I'd like to put.

I am so thankful.
Always thankful.
For the life I've been living.
Everyday is all about cleaning, doing laundry, cooking...
and taking care of my family.
Nothing but a wonderful journey.
Of being a wife and a mother.

Embracing the journey of my life


Monday, May 6, 2013

In the search of baby carrier

Ini penyakit yang sentiasa menyerang saya setiap kali membaca blog-blog orang lain. Rasa macam rindu nak tot-tet-tot-tet type entry tapi bila dah separuh jalan, rasa macam "Ish...perlu ke aku publish ni?" dan terus 'Ctrl+A' dan 'Delete'. Seperti biasa juga, pabila tibanya hari yang boleh bersenang-lenang, masa ku selalu terbuang begitu sahaja. Dari minggu lepas dah set dalam kepala nak siapkan attendance untuk new students, key-in marks untuk quizzes dan sebagainya... dan bila tiba harinya, HAMMMPEH! Esok mula lah bikin kalut nak print itu ini. Harini pon rasa lemau semacam sebab semalam I stayed-up (kononnya!) menantikan keputusan Pilihanraya Umum ke-13 Malaysia negaraku terchenta. Hakikatnya, tunggu sebab nak tau kot-kot diberikan cuti jadi boleh lah tido dengan aman tanpa memikirkan hari esok. Malangnya, pukul 1230AM dah tumbang. Bangun pagi tadi hubby kejutkan dengan berita kekalahan parti pembangkang ditambah perisa dengan berita tak dapat cuti. Rasa nak emosi je, tapi buat apa nak bunuh positive vibes di pagi hari? OK, saya poyo!

Kelmarin, sebelum berangkat ke rumah MIL, hubby ada usulkan untuk ke FM atau mana-mana  kedai yang ada menjual carrier. Carrier bukan nya hand carrier yang boleh attach kat stroller tu tapi baby carrier yang kita galas di depan/belakang tu. Masa mula-mula dulu, saya ingat carrier tidak sepenting sebuah stroller tapi rasa menyampah pulak selepas merasa sendiri kelecehan stroller yang nak kena attach/detach tu. Online survey sudah dibuat and in fact, dari dulu memang sangat berhajat untuk mendapatkan Baby Bjorn tapi bila tengok harga yang oh-so-ridiculous, hubby terus cadangkan brand lain. Ada betol nya disitu sebabnya, berapa lama sangat nak pakai baby carrier tu kan... Sikit hari lagi bila si kecik tu dah boleh bertatih, konfem dia nak prektis sendiri plus kalo dia tak sudi nak duduk dalam tu, tak ke rugi duit kitorang beli. Hubby ada mencadangkan beberapa brand lain dan harganya pon boleh dikatakan hampir sama dengan yang oh-so-ridiculous tu dan bagi saya, kualiti nya hampir sama.

Salah satu sebab saya suka berkunjung ke FM sebab dia boleh melayan kita macam kakak-kakak dia. Kita boleh request untuk cuba dulu sebelum beli and they are very helpful. Saya pilih untuk cuba SnuggBaby sebab harga dia masih boleh diterima akal cumanya they have very limited designs. Too bad hanya tinggal dua kotak dan warnanya yang saya kurang berkenan dihati. Paling penting Anas seems to like it. Nyanyi-nyanyi dia bila letak dalam carrier. Mungkin dia ingat saya dukung kot. Kalaulah ada designs yang menarik, mungkin ianya dah menjadi milikku. Sempat jugak survey Anas punya perkakasan untuk melangkah ke alam solids and the best part, they offer a really good bargain.

We went to BabeTotz as it's just a few doors away untuk survey baby carrier tapi takde SnuggBaby. Sempat jugak bertanya pasal Ergo. Mengikut pengalaman pemilik kedai, Ergo lebih selesa kalau dibandingkan dengan BabyBjorn. Tapi harganya walaweh...boleh tahan ye adik kakak! Sebenarnya it's slightly expensive than SnuggBaby tapi besar kemungkinan hati dah tertawan, so tak leh buat apa dah.

Kenapa kami mahukan carrier?

  1. Adakalanya stroller tidak lah begitu convenient. Ada sekali tu kitorang bawak Anas pergi pasar pagi. Dah lah leceh nak dapat parking, skali nak kena bukak boot kat parking sempit-sempit tu sebab nak pasang stroller untuk letak Anas. Benda paling saya  tak suka, bila ada orang nak masuk parking dan tertunggu-tunggu kita dok bertungkus lumus melipat stroller kat belakang kereta. Memang memakan masa beberapa minit untuk unfold/fold. Cer bayangkan kalo saorang diri bersama Anas? 
  2. Kalau pergi shopping, nak kena guna lif untuk naik/turun. Pengalaman paling tak best bila pergi tempat-tempat yang kedekut lif seperti di Wangsa Walk. Lepas tu kena pula berebut dengan orang-orang yang malas nak guna tangga/escalator. Yang best tu, tak langsung ada courtesy nak offer kita naik dulu, tak kira lah masa tu anak kita tengah bertukar menjadi raksasa. Duh! Pernah jugak buat slumber naik escalator, tapi rasa macam kurang selamat sebab ada budak suka dok meninjau-ninjau tu.
  3. Tak tahulah dengan anak orang lain, Anas saya ni jenis ikut angin jugak you! Time dia nak kita dukung, dia menangis lah sekuat hati sampai kita angkat dia. Last sekali, Mama jugak lah yang senget-senget dukung si daging. Kalo ada masa dia nak kat Papa dia, bolehlah saya tarik nafas lega dan tolak stroller kosong selaju-lajunya. Tapi time dia tak nak, memang redho je la...
  4. Bila boleh galas si kecik tu, boleh la jalan dengan freely. Susah tolak stroller bila pergi tempat yang ramai orang. Haritu masa pergi baby expo, macam nak berperang dah rasa. Strollers were everywhere. Pergerakan pon jadi terbatas sket. Jalan pon nak kena hati-hati sebab takot terlanggar orang.
  5. Dengan adanya carrier, tak perlu lah usung stroller kehulu kehilir lagi. Kadang-kadang tu, kesian dekat orang yang nak menumpang kereta, kena lah dok bersempit-sempit dengan diaper bag Anas kat belakang sebab dah tak cukup space untuk letak barang dalam boot. Ni baru Anas sorang, nanti-nanti kalo dah ada petambahan bilangan, acaner tu nak buat?

Friday, February 8, 2013

Little Boy Blue

It's been almost three months after I delivered our lil’ prince on November 20, 2012 at 514H. Praise to Allah as He has granted us with a true happiness of being a parent. Talking of playing the role of a mother, it is indeed a tough job and a first-time mom will always find it difficult to manage her time. I’m not sure if it was just me though *grin*but publishing this one, fine entry seems to take me forever.

November 13
It’s just a show

According to my ObGyn, I was due to deliver on 14th November 2012. I waited with anticipation and was looking forward to experience what people called “contractions”. It was Deepavali and we were planning to go to my parents’ for lunch when I noticed a show on my panties that early morning. My heart lurched. It was a mixed feeling altogether. I was scared but happy at the same time. There were so many questions running in my mind, “Will I be in active labour at any time?” “Will I survive the pain?” and “How does the labour feel?”

My hubby was all ready to rush me to the hospital but I refused as I didn't experience any contractions. At that point, I wasn't quite sure how the contraction would be or feel. All I know was from the readings I did– an intense pain that lasts for a few seconds. I told my mom the very first thing I reached her place and all she asked for is for me to go to the hospital. I was undecided, since I just had a few mild “attacks”. I just had the worries rest aside till that night when I started to experience the pain.

November 14
False alarm

I couldn't get myself to sleep as I started experiencing the contractions. The pain was unbearable. I read that we should focus on the interval of one contraction with another and if it becomes so frequent, you’ll probably have to get yourself on your way to the hospital. That morning I woke up, I spotted even more show on my panties. I started to panic. I stopped my husband from going to work as I want him to bring me to the hospital.

Once we arrived at the hospital, I was ushered by a nurse to a four-bedded room known as “Bilik Saringan” that is located next to the labour rooms. I was asked to lie at one of the beds. A nurse came and asked me to take off my panties. I was hell nervous. The nurse began to strap on the CTG machine to monitor my baby’s heartbeats. That was my first time listening to his heartbeats despite of the “screaming” and “yelling” from the LR. Two doctors came to check the dilation (you know how the procedure was carried out; something that some women don’t favour). The result was: ZERO (no dilation) I was told to go home. Oh have I told you that my ObGyn had given me a date for an induced labour? I was given a ‘deadline’; I got to be admitted on November 18 and will be induced if the baby refused to come out *gulp*

November 17
Another false alarm

We learned that our baby loved playing ‘hide and seek’. We also learned that he was a night owl as he was actively contracting only at nights. Only God knows how it feels when the baby contracted. I still couldn’t help myself to catch some sleeps as I was in pain. One thing that helps is to take a deep breath whenever it strikes. I was so touched when my husband gently rubbed and massaged my back whenever I experienced the contractions.

Once again, we went to the hospital. I was really hoping for the baby to come out so we will have the same birthdate but deep inside, I know that it was a thin chance. I was examined by an ObGyn whom I used to see during check-ups. I was eagerly waiting for her to tell me the good news and guess what, it was 1cm! *woot-woot* Unfortunately, she advised me to come back the next day as there was no available bed.

Later that night, my hubby brought me to Pelita. I know it will be my last nasi kandar but I couldn’t help to feast myself as the baby was contracting. We went back straight and it was the only time I wished for the time to fly even faster. Again, I was not able to enjoy my bedtime. Catching some sleeps was totally impossible.

November 18
One step closer to becoming a mom

I was brought by hubby to the hospital early in the morning (as advised by the nurses) and I was admitted right away. Thank God, I was placed at the second-class ward, in an air-conditioned room with four beds. The nurse asked me to change into a gown which I hate most as there will be some ObGyns coming in for their roundings. They then again checked for my opening. It was 2cm this time! They later decided to proceed with the induced labour *cry* I was then being checked by another ObGyn and after answering her few questions, she decided not to proceed with the earlier plan. I felt like doing some monkey jumps! I was damn afraid to undergo the procedure; I couldn't help myself to finish a roti canai my hubby bought for breakfast.

Later that night, the pain kicked in. The worst part is when hubby was leaving for home (as husbands are not allowed to wait in the ward) I cried! Yeah, I was a crybaby then. Certainly, every woman would wish that their husband could be by their side in that kind of situation. I was so happy when he said he’ll be coming back though he had to sleep at the waiting area. It brought smile to my face when he said so! *love you husband* But wait, the drama didn't end just yet.

November 19
Almost time

I felt really bad when I had to wake him up in the wee hours of the morning as the contractions intensified. I didn’t get any sleep for sure. I just need someone to talk to, someone to share the pain. He was in his deep sleep when I woke him up. I counted every minutes and seconds till dawn as the pain became even unbearable.

That morning, I was once again being examined. To my surprise, I didn’t dilate despite of the killing pain but my ObGyn assured me that it will progress. She told me that I will be pushed into the LR at 1100HR and they will break my water *double gulps*I was told to have my breakfast and clean myself.

Without further ado, a nurse came with a wheelchair at 1100HR+ and before I knew it, I was on my way to the LR. In just a few minutes, I found myself lying in the freezing cold LR. I was asked to change into a different gown and a few doctors came to check. It was still at 2cm. They then decided to break my water and start me with Oxytocin.

I find that the procedure of breaking my water pain-less. I was afraid at first, after some readings that say it was such a horrible experience. Maybe the doctor was good! I started to experience contractions after 30 minutes or so being administered the medication when a nurse came to give me a leaflet on Epidural. She asked me whether I was keen to take Epidural and she left me to discuss with my hubby. After a short discussion we had, I decided to grab the offer.

An anesthetist came a few minutes later to administer the Epidural which was just a few minutes procedure. He then briefed me on how to use the patient-controlled epidural analgesia or PCEA if I could still experience the pain.

... and the waiting game began

My baby and I were closely monitored as I was on Oxy. I could even see him contracting via the monitor displayed in the LR but it was painless as I was on Epidural. I was being monitored every 4-hour. Hubby was always by my side. I pitied him as he had to be there, waiting and just to keep me accompanied.

* * *

12 hours had gone and my cervix dilation was at a snail’s pace. According to their policy, a patient can only be given Oxy for the maximum of 12 hours. Hence, they decided to proceed with a C-sect as I was only 8cm dilated. It was really a pang to me. I have waited for so long! The worst part is my energy was running low as I was not allowed to take in any solid food except a few sips of plain water. I was really fortunate when another ObGyn came to check my dilation. This time, the procedure was painful despite of the Epidural running in my blood. She purposely poked and thrust her fingers in to force the opening. She then asked whether I could wait for another hour and my answer was ‘yes’.

About 30 minutes +/- after that harrowing procedure, I finally had the urges to start pushing. The ObGyn had earlier advised me to slowly start pushing if I feel it’s about time. When a midwife came in, I told her that I felt like pushing harder. Another midwife/nurse came in to educate me on the breathing techniques.

November 20
The pushing game began

I felt so weak after spending more than 12 hours in the LR. Too bad, I didn't have much breakfast. I pushed and pushed and what I could only remember is the midwife kept on telling me that I didn't perform the correct breathing technique. Hubby didn't stop encouraging, so did the midwife. I was drenched in sweat. After a few pushes, the midwife told me that the baby was crowning. She later asked my hubby to take a glance of it and what I could still remember; hubby was so exhilarated to tell me that he could see my baby’s thick hair. That didn't stop me to push but I was getting weaker. I started to pass out in between contractions as I was so exhausted. The midwife then decided to perform episiotomy (about 2cm) with the hopes that it will make more way for my baby. The midwife finally said that I had a few more pushes, and if none worked out, they will need to perform a C-sect. I felt like crying my heart out. Giving up would be the last thing I could think of. I mustered up strength and pushed with all my might. With the assistance of two midwives and hubby who didn't fail to give his words of encouragement, we finally welcomed our little boy into the world.

My baby was then immediately brought to the nursery. What I could remember, my husband didn't stop saying that I made it but I had trouble comprehending as I was exhausted and starving. I was mumbling while the midwife stitched me up, I didn't know what came out from my mouth. I was let to sleep once the procedure was over and I was awakened by my hubby before they brought my baby to be nursed for the first time. That was one precious moment for us that I believe would never be forgotten when we got to meet our little boy... 

Muhammad Zain Anas

*Alhamdulillah, segala puji bagi Allah*

Friday, August 10, 2012

The Changes

I'm getting all hyped as I finally managed to grab myself a Umobile broadband. Made a few PROMISES to myself - not to spend most of my time FB-ing, or twitting (but I didn't seem to keep any) and the fact that I got it in order to overcome my problem of not getting any connection in my office.


Alhamdulilah, I am halfway through my pregnancy. It's been 6 months of a beautiful journey, carrying my lil' one in my tummy. It's good to know that I have succeeded my first trimester and the second is well under way. Though I had hard times enduring the early stage of my first trimester, I am happy to learn that I am PREGNANT and I am always thrilled to witness every changes that are happening to me.

#1 Say NO to clacking high-heels and HELLO to comfy Fitflops

#2 Developing the pregnancy mask and back acne

#3 Bye-bye to my favourite caffeinated drinks 

#4 Food-crave always drives my hubby CRAZY

#5 Finding comfortable maternity wear

#6 Tiredness and fatigue

#7 Dealing with back pain

#8 Pregnancy blues and mood swings

#9 Baby bump

#10 Butterflies fluttering in my lower abdomen

Monday, May 7, 2012

A Happy News, It Is

I couldn't believe myself that I blogged my last entry on October 21, 2011. What has gone wrong with me? We're now in the month of May. Wait-a-minute! Let's do some Math, will ya? It's been 6 months for God's sake.


* * *

Been living with hyperthyroidism for a number of years has made me sounds more or like a doctor when explaining the possible signs and symptoms of hyperthyroidism such as sweaty palm, shakiness, insomnia, irregular menstrual cycle etc. and they have been parts of me since the day I discovered my illness. Thus, when I experienced fatigue every time I got home from work, I would relate it to those signs and symptoms. I simply dozed off while lying around watching TV and it's even weirder when I had a very strange appetite, I could eat a horse when I was damn hungry.

I decided to make some tests, then and tadaaa!

The lines were not that visible when I first did the tests. 
This was done a week later, after my first attempt.


* * *

When we got married, my hubby and I decided not to "rush" into making babies. We had our goal set, NOT to have any baby till we achieved a career we'd ever dreamed for. Entering parenthood is a NO joke. We know that once we obliged to having another new life, we ought to make a big change too. There're lots to learn. No more lazy Sunday, no more chillin' out till late night, no more waking-up late in the morning blah blah blah. It's indeed a big sacrifice and  we were not ready back then.

...and the most unexpected thing happened. I couldn't believe when I came to know about my pregnancy, and it happened right after we celebrated our first anniversary. In fact, my husband couldn't believe his eyes seeing the two lines.

Alhamdulilah, I have successfully "endured" my first trimester and I am feeling better now. I lost a few kgs due to terrible morning sickness. I threw up every time I brushed my teeth  and my nose became super sensitive to flowery scents. We even got to switch to Dettol as I couldn't bear the sweet scents of my shower cream. I developed an urge of a sweet tooth after having heavy meals and I couldn't help myself to finish a glass of milk before bedtime. Thank God, the doc said it's yet too early to start drinking milk, but it brings more goodness if my body allows the white liquid to go down my throat.

My mother is the happiest person to know about my pregnancy, she'll try her best to fulfill whatever I craved for. My dad seems happy too, so do my lil' sis and brother. My hubby would definitely be the happiest person and has been so understanding in keeping up with the changes I'm going through.

Now I know why do some women get way too excited when she's pregnant. The feeling is indescribable. It feels so miracle. 


My very first ultrasound scan.
Hey there my little one!

My second ultrasound.
Listening to my baby's heartbeats, it's priceless.